Insertable bins


Small Storage Bin Inserts Offer Picking Bin Flexibility

The ability to convert larger containers into small storage bins is part of the flexibility that will make your business run more smoothly. It’s often better to start with large containers and then utilise the space more effectively with smaller inserts. These can allow one large container unit to become several small parts plastic storage containers, ideal for numerous everyday purposes. For instance, it allows the units to become picking containers with several items available in each. This is both a space saver and a time saver, as more equipment or products are available at an operative’s fingertips rather than them having to move around to locate what they need.

Easy Handling Small Plastic Tote Inserts

Another benefit of using euro picking small storage bins within large containers is that they can be transported easily as small plastic bins. If you choose picking plastic boxes that are specifically suitable for the larger containers you use, they should be designed to be easily plucked out of the larger container and are therefore transformed into a portable storage unit. This can be useful in workplaces where small containers of equipment need to be transported by hand or transferred to a workstation to be used by operatives. Small plastic totes should be simple to pick out of the larger container, usually requiring plastic lips or ledges for convenient handling.

Picking Containers Should Be Correct Size

If you’re searching for the flexibility that small storage bins can offer, it’s unlikely that you want a one size fits all approach. There are various sizes of KLT and XL containers on the market, and the insert bins you choose will necessarily depend on both the style of container you have and your specific requirements. Lengthwise and crosswise half size bins are available, for example, which segment your large container into two small storage bins. If you need to go smaller than this, there are options for containers as small as one eighth of the large container to suit your needs.

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